Health Care

Member Enrollment and
Engagement Website & App


The Customer Touch Portal involves the creation of sequenced communications designed to engage end-customers and encourage the purchase of additional products/accessories through a value coupon offer. The program incorporates the solicitation of end-customer communications via delivery preferences, email (default) or paper, to defined output channels.

The Problem

The current Customer Touch program was inflexible. Client does not have the ability to update customer contact data or change and customize offers leaving the offers flat with little incentive to customers.

The Client wants to allow sales reps to update customer information, therefore increasing their reach and potential for additional sales and coupon redemptions.


There were three User Groups for the platform:

  1. Partner Group
  2. Client Sales Group
  3. Client Admin Group

Roles and Responsibilites

The Client's team was comprised of the following:

  • Project Owner
  • 2 Project Consultants
  • 3 Data Consultants

Our team was made up of:

  • Project Manager
  • Business/Techinal Analyst
  • UX / UI Designer (myself)
  • Account Manager
  • Developer


Together with the PM and BA, I participated in the Discovery phase that included several rounds of interviews with key Client stakeholders, a small set of Partner users (sales reps), and a number of white-board sessions. This led to the creation of a Process Flow diagram. From there I developed a Site Map to outline the screens for a wireframe, and ultimately, a clickable prototype .

I then conducted live video walk-throughs of the prototype to solicit client and user feedback to validate our direction and feature-set and make any corrections to the established process flow.

Upon approval of the prototype, design specs were created and assembled for developer hand-off.

My final resposibilites were to clean-up the front-end HTML and CSS to ensure adherence to the visual standards established by the approved prototype.